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Use PostgreSQL as Metastore


  1. For Kylin, we recommend using PostgreSQL as the default metastore database. The PostgreSQL 10.7 installation package is located in the product package root directory postgresql.
  2. If using other versions of PostgreSQL, please choose a version above PostgreSQL 9.1.
  3. If you have not installed PostgreSQL, please check the Install PostgreSQL chapter to complete the installation.

Use PostgreSQL as metastore

Next, we will introduce how to configure PostgreSQL as the metastore of Kylin.

  1. Later, you can set the metadata url in the configuration file $KYLIN_HOME/conf/ The property is kylin.metadata.url = {metadata_name}@jdbc, please replace {metadata_name} with the table name you would like, for instance, kylin_metadata@jdbc, the maximum length of {metadata_name} allowed is 28. See the example below:


    The meaning of each configuration item is as follows, url, username and password are required, other fields will use the default value if not set:

    • url: JDBC url:
      • host: The IP address of PostgreSQL server, the default value is localhost;
      • port: The port of PostgreSQL server, the default value is 5432, you can set it with available port number.
      • kylin: Metabase name. Make sure this database kylin has been created in PostgreSQL;
    • username: JDBC user name, the default value is postgres;
    • password: JDBC password, the default value is void, please set it according to your actual password;
    • driverClassName: JDBC driver name, the default value is org.postgresql.Driver;

    vi. If you need to configure the cluster deployment, please use comma , to split among server addresses. Meanwhile, the url should use " to quote the url. For example:

  2. If you need to encrypt JDBC's password, please follow undermentioned instructions:

    i. To obtain encrypted password, please run the command under the path of ${KYLIN_HOME}

    ./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.general.CryptTool -e AES -s <password>

    ii. Configure the password in the kylin.metadata.url like this


    For example, the following assumes that the JDBC password is kylin:

    First, we need to encrypt kylin using the following command

    ${KYLIN_HOME}/bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.general.CryptTool -e AES -s kylin
    AES encrypted password is:

    Then, configure kylin.metadata.url like this:
