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System Configuration

After deploying Kylin on your cluster, configure Kylin so that it can interact with Apache Hadoop and Apache Hive. You can also optimize the performance of Kylin by configuring to your own environment.

This chapter introduces some configurations for Kylin.

Kylin Configuration File List

Kylinconf/kylin.propertiesThis is the global configuration file, with all configuration properties about Kylin in it. Details will be discussed in the subsequent chapter Basic Configuration.
Hadoophadoop_conf/core-site.xmlGlobal configuration file used by Hadoop, which defines system-level parameters such as HDFS URLs and Hadoop temporary directories, etc.
Hadoophadoop_conf/hdfs-site.xmlHDFS configuration file, which defines HDFS parameters such as the storage location of NameNode and DataNode and the number of file copies, etc.
Hadoophadoop_conf/yarn-site.xmlYarn configuration file,which defines Hadoop cluster resource management system parameters, such as ResourceManager, NodeManager communication port and web monitoring port, etc.
Hadoophadoop_conf/mapred-site.xmlMap Reduce configuration file used in Hadoop,which defines the default number of reduce tasks, the default upper and lower limits of the memory that the task can use, etc.
Hivehadoop_conf/hive-site.xmlHive configuration file, which defines Hive parameters such as hive data storage directory and database address, etc.


  • Unless otherwise specified, the configuration file mentioned in this manual refers to the corresponding configuration file in the list.