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Version: 5.0.0

Use callback API to monitor job status

The success returned by calling the required job API only indicates the job is successfully started. Kylin supports callback API to confirm the job execution state, it will return success if the job is successfully completed; it will return error if the job fails and also the error code to help troubleshooting.

How to use

Deploy an online service that accepts POST requests and add the configuration parameter kylin.job.finished-notifier-url to with the service URL as its parameter value.

POST message example

Suppose the value of parameter kylin.job.finished-notifier-url is set to When Kylin finishes the job, it will send the following message to


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 262
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_171)
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate


"job_id": "6044ac09-27bc-4968-a6b0-881c4c0abf89",
"project": "test",
"model_id": "91402da4-b991-4cd8-b164-7f62b9e91b69",
"segment_ids": [
"index_ids": [
"duration": 27699,
"job_state": "ERROR",
"job_type": "INDEX_BUILD",
"segment_time_range": [
"segment_id": "9e5a89b9-00f1-4296-adc4-139113030e83",
"data_range_start": 1338480000000,
"data_range_end": 1354291200000
"segment_id": "f26dcbc9-b786-4112-a4f6-94280bf10265",
"data_range_start": 1325347200000,
"data_range_end": 1338480000000
"segment_id": "f3dc9864-0e1a-417b-a46d-3255e8cb6473",
"data_range_start": 1354291200000,
"data_range_end": 1370016000000
"segment_partition_info": [{
"segment_id": "9e5a89b9-00f1-4296-adc4-139113030e83",
"partition_info": [{
"id": 0,
"values": ["674"],
"status": "ONLINE",
"last_modified_time": 1623390508821,
"source_count": 34,
"bytes_size": 1772
}, {
"id": 1,
"values": ["22"],
"status": "ONLINE",
"last_modified_time": 1623390508821,
"source_count": 30,
"bytes_size": 1800
"msg":"KE-060100201: An Exception occurred outside Kylin.",
"suggestion":"Please check whether the external environment(other systems, components, etc.) is normal.",
"stacktrace":"KE-060100201: An Exception occurred outside Kylin. org.apache...."

Callback API parameters

  • HTTP method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • URL Parameters
    • project - string, project name
    • job_id - String, job ID
    • model_id - string, model UUID
    • segment_ids - list<string>, segment UUID
    • index_ids - list<string>, index UUID
    • duration - long, build duration in milliseconds
    • job_state - string, job state when the job ends, value: SUCCEED if the job succeeds, DISCARDED if the job is discarded, ERROR if the job fails, or PAUSED if the job is paused
    • segment_time_range - list,segment time range
      • segment_id - string,segment UUID
      • data_range_start - long, timestamp in milliseconds, start time of segment build
      • date_range_end - long, timestamp in milliseconds, end time of segment build
    • segment_partition_info - list, information about segment under partition including:
      • segment_id: string, segment UUID
      • partition_info: list, partition information
        • id: long, partition ID
        • values: list<long>, partition values
        • status: string, partition status, value:ONLINE if the partition is online,LOADING if the partition is being built, or REFRESHING if the partition is being refreshed
        • last_modified_time: long, timestamp in milliseconds, last modified time
        • source_count: long, number of rows
        • bytes_size: long, storage capacity
    • snapshot_job_info - object,information about snapshot job, including:
      • tablestring,table name of the snapshot
      • databasestring,database name of the snapshot
      • total_rowslong,total rows of the snapshot
      • storagelong,disk space of the snapshot
      • last_modified_time:timestamp, last time the snapshot was built
      • status:status of the snapshot, value: ONLINE and OFFLINE
      • select_partition_col:partition column of the snapshot, it takes effect only for incremental snapshots and null for full snapshots
    • msg - string , job error message
    • error_code - string , error code in Kylin
    • suggestion - string, suggestion on how to solve the issue
    • start_time - long, timestamp in milliseconds, the start time of the task
    • end_time - long, timestamp in milliseconds, the end time of the task
    • tag - string,customized tag, used for system integration
    • code - string,status code,value: null if job succeeds, 401 if unauthorized, 999 other unrecognized status
    • stacktrace - string,stack information of exceptions

Known limitations

  • For a job in PAUSED or ERROR state, if the job is canceled directly, the job state will be changed to DISCARDED, but the job state change will not be reported via the callback API.

  • If a job in PAUSED or ERROR state is rerun and then canceled when running, the job state change will be reported via the callback API.