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Version: 5.0.0

User Group Management

This chapter provides an overview of what a user group is and how a user group can be managed.

About User Group

A user group is a collection of users, and users in a user group share the same ACL. By default, Kylin initializes four user groups, namely ALL_USERS, ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_ANALYST, and ROLE_MODELER. And ALL_USERS group is a default user group, all users are included in the ALL_USERS user group. ALL_USERS and ROLE_ADMIN user group cannot be modified or deleted. System administrators can add or remove users in user groups except ALL_USERS, or add a user to multiple groups except ALL_USERS. User groups cannot be renamed throughout the Kylin instance.

About User Group Permissions

The system administrator can grant the project-level access permissions to a user group. When a user group has been granted the project-level permissions, users in this group will inherit the corresponding permissions from the group.

When a user belongs to multiple groups, the user will inherit the project-level permissions from the groups he/she belongs to.

Manage user groups

After the system administrator logs in to Kylin, click the Admin button in the top toolbar to enter the system management page, and click the Group field to enter the User Group Management page.

Create a user group

On the User Group Management page, click + User Group button to create a new group. In the pop-up window, the system administrator can fill in the group name and click OK to save a new user group.

Delete a user group

On the User Group Management page, select a user to be deleted, click the Drop button under the Actions bar on the right. In the pop-up window, the system administrator can confirm to delete a user group, once a user group is deleted, users in this user group will not be deleted and permission grant to this user group will be removed.

Assign users to a user group

  1. On the User Group Management page, select the user group to be assigned users to.
  2. Click Assign Users under the Actions bar on the right.
  3. In the pop-up window, check the users who need to be assigned to the group, click the right arrow >, the user will be assigned to the Assigned Users.
  4. Click OK and the user will be assigned to this group.

Modify user's user group

Please refer to User Management.