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Version: 3.1.3

Use Utility CLIs

Kylin has some client utility tools. This document will introduce the following class:,,, and Before using these tools, you have to switch to the KYLIN_HOME directory.

Function outputs the value of Kylin properties.

How to use

After the class name, you can only write one parameter, conf_name which is the parameter name that you want to know its value.

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.KylinConfigCLI <conf_name>

For example:

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.KylinConfigCLI kylin.server.mode



If you do not know the full parameter name, you can use the following command, then all parameters prefixed by this prefix will be listed:

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.KylinConfigCLI <prefix>.

For example:

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.KylinConfigCLI kylin.job.



Function is to extract Cube related info for debugging / distributing purpose.

How to use

At least two parameters should be followed.

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.extractor.CubeMetaExtractor -<conf_name> <conf_value> -destDir <your_dest_dir>

For example:

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.extractor.CubeMetaExtractor -cube kylin_sales_cube -destDir /tmp/kylin_sales_cube

Result: After the command is executed, the cube, project or hybrid you want to extract will be dumped in the specified path.

All supported parameters are listed below:

allProjectsSpecify realizations in all projects to extract
compressSpecify whether to compress the output with zip. Default true.
cubeSpecify which Cube to extract
destDir(Required) Specify the dest dir to save the related information
hybridSpecify which hybrid to extract
includeJobsSet this to true if want to extract job info/outputs too. Default false
includeSegmentDetailsSet this to true if want to extract segment details too, such as dict, tablesnapshot. Default false
includeSegmentsSet this to true if want extract the segments info. Default true
onlyOutputWhen include jobs, only extract output of job. Default true
packagetypeSpecify the package type
projectWhich project to extract

Function is to ingest the extracted cube meta data into another metadata store. It only supports ingest cube now.

How to use

At least two parameters should be specified. Please make sure the cube you want to ingest does not exist in the target project.

Note: The zip file must contain only one directory after it has been decompressed.

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.CubeMetaIngester -project <target_project> -srcPath <your_src_dir>

For example:

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.CubeMetaIngester -project querytest -srcPath /tmp/newconfigdir1/

Result: After the command is successfully executed, the cube you want to ingest will exist in the srcPath.

All supported parameters are listed below:

forceIngestSkip the target Cube, model and table check and ingest by force. Use in caution because it might break existing cubes! Suggest to backup metadata store first. Default false.
overwriteTablesIf table meta conflicts, overwrite the one in metadata store with the one in srcPath. Use in caution because it might break existing cubes! Suggest to backup metadata store first. Default false.
createProjectIfNotExistsIf the specified project is not exists, kylin will create it.
project(Required) Specify the target project for the new cubes.
srcPath(Required) Specify the path to the extracted Cube metadata zip file.

Function serves for the purpose of checking the "KYLIN_HOST" property to be consistent with the dst's MetadataUrlPrefix for all of Cube segments' corresponding HTables after migrating a Cube. will be called in and is usually not used separately.

How to use

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.CubeMigrationCheckCLI -fix <conf_value> -dstCfgUri <dstCfgUri_value> -cube <cube_name>

For example:

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.CubeMigrationCheckCLI -fix true -dstCfgUri kylin-prod:7070 -cube querycube

All supported parameters are listed below:

fixFix the inconsistent Cube segments' HOST, default false
dstCfgUriThe KylinConfig of the Cube’s new home
cubeThe cube name.