Apache Kylin is always looking for contributions of not only code, but also usage document, performance report, Q&A etc. All kinds of contributions pave the way towards a Kylin Committer. There is opportunity for everyone, especially for those come from analysis and solution background, due to the lacking of content from user and solution perspective.
Here is the development document for Apache kylin 4.x. heck the development documents of other versions:
* v3.x and earlier development documents
How to Contribute
Check out the How to Contribute document.
Source Repository
Apache Kylin™ source code is version controlled using Git version control:
Commits Summary
Source Repo: https://github.com/apache/kylin
Mirrored to Gitbox: https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=kylin.git
Issue Tracking
Track issues on the “Kylin” Project on the Apache JIRA (browse).
- Hadoop 3.0 support (Erasure Coding) : DONE (v2.5)
- Fully on Spark Cube engine : DONE (v2.5)
- Real-time analytics with Lambda Architecture : DONE (v3.0)
- Connect more data sources (MySQL, SparkSQL, etc) : DONE (v2.6)
- Flink engine : Done (v3.1)
- Cloud-native storage (Parquet) : In-progress (v4.0)
- Distributed query execution engine (Spark) : In-progress, together with Parquet storage (v4.0)
- Containerization/Kubernetes support : Done (v3.1)
- Pushdown SDK with more engines (Presto, Clickhouse, etc) : In progress (Presto support in v3.1)
- Ad-hoc queries without Cubing